Peter Pan Bus
By Hanna Nilson
You may be surprised to know that Peter Pan Buses
are a top ranking most energy efficient method of transportation!
Founded in 1933 by Peter C. Picknelly,
Peter Pan Bus Lines is now one of the largest bus curriers of the
Northeastern, US. With impressive standards for customer service,
safety, efficiency and now environmental friendliness; Peter Pan Bus
Lines are a great way to travel.
In their featured article
Go Green, A Peter Pan Bus is said to be “…twice as
fuel-efficient as Amtrak and other train services…three times as
efficient as automobiles…and four times as efficient as commercial
aviation.” Furthermore, as stated in their
Peter Pan/Intercity Motor coach Statistics editorial – while
passenger cars are responsible for 64.5% of all vehicular accidents and
trucks are responsible for 34.4%; intercity/transit buses only claim
Perhaps this is possible because
of their emphasis on superior driving safety and technology. For
example, All Peter Pan coaches use a unique Global Positioning System
(GPS) which enables them to control and eliminate unnecessary idling.
Their GPS also allows them to monitor speeds, braking patterns, reduce
5% on tire wear and 8% in fuel economy.
In an increasingly
environmentally conscientious society, we can’t be too careful about the
choices we make; especially when considering various methods of
transportation. You may find it useful and encouraging to know that
Peter Pan Bus seems to be making continuous efforts to develop greater
standards for energy efficacy… Here are some facts to keep in mind:
- Peter Pan Buses can replace
up to 55 autos from the highway! This saves on fuel, cuts down on
emissions, and reduces congestion.
- Peter Pan Bus currently
supplies 184 passenger miles per gallon (MPG). Surprisingly, this is
more than double the second most fuel-efficient transportation
- Peter Pan buses produce
carbon emissions of only 56 grams per passenger, compared to 371 grams
for a passenger car… that’s 315 grams less!
- When compared to any other
transportation vehicle, Peter Pan bus emits the least amount of carbon
dioxide (CO2) per passenger! CO2 emissions are reduced by an average
of 85% per passenger mile for every person who chooses to travel on a
Peter Pan coach vs. driving alone.
- All Peter Pan vehicles
operate using Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) and/or bio-diesel fuel
making Peter Pan buses a huge part of America’s energy solution.
Another notable attribute to
Peter Pan Bus services are their emphasis on
customer service, reasonable
prices and excellent
drivers. In fact, Peter Pan bus lines defiantly aren’t shy about
their drivers. Boasting their Highest Safety Ratings from the U.S.
Department of Transportation and the Department of Defense; Peter Pan
praises each reputable driver’s experience and commitment to the company
by mentioning them by name with reference to miles driven accident
For all you travelers out there
who are looking for a safer and more efficient means of traveling the
Northeast, Peter Pan buses are the way to go. So, the next time you plan
your long distance trip; keep these guys in mind because you’d be doing
us all a favor!
Greyhound Bus Lines
Acadian Bus Lines
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